teisipäev, detsember 26, 2006

Christmas Day

We had a full day on Christmas, but it was a great way to celebrate the Saviour's birth! We began with a worship service, and by the end of the meeting had 46 in attendance. After that, we had "open doors day": a meal for anyone who wanted to come in on Christmas Day. We planned for around 200 people, and I think we came pretty close to that number.
Like for the corps Christmas party, the chapel was filled with people sharing in the best communion of all: a meal shared in Christ's name. You can see Elle, our social worker who organized the meal, serving some of the food.
After our meal, we headed to the house run by Mother Theresa's Sisters of Charity. Our band had been invited to play there for the people the sisters would be feeding that day. Our trumpet player lives at the house, and the sisters are so thrilled that he is a part of our band that they wanted to have him play there. Sister Andrea was even kind enough to hold Major Tyrrell's music while he played.
Major Tyrrell shared about the love of Christmas while Evelin translated.
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Corps Christmas Party

We had a wonderful corps Christmas party on Saturday. The day before, a man had come into the corps and Evelyn said to him, "You look like Jõuluvana. Come to our party!" And he did. So we gave him the Estonian Santa costume and he looked the part.
We had nearly 100 people at the party. The tables were beautifully decorated by the faithful soldiers who prepared the meal. They really made it a special event for all of our guests.
Some of the guests for the party waiting for their food.
Evelyn speaks with some of the pensioners.
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Our chapel was filled with tables and guests for the corps Christmas party.
The meal was a traditional Estonian Christmas feast: Potatoes, verivorst (blood sausage), pumpkin salad, pickles, beet salad and jõulukapsas (Christmas cabbage, a kind of sauerkraut).
The young people did a drama as part of the program. Here, Santa Chris gives gifts to elves Anneli and Keit, while Vesse, Eero and Evelin sleep awaiting his arrival.
After the drama, Keit, Anneli, Evelin and Elis did a dance.
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Tanel sang "White Christmas" in Estonian and then in English, and was joined by Regional Commander Major Derek Tyrrell for the last part.
Major Tyrrell and our wonderful trumpeter Lembitu performed duets of some Christmas favorites.
Among the gifts that were given were youth councils t-shirts given to us by USA Eastern Territory. It may seem like a funny gift to give to a pensioner, but they loved them! It's the kind of practical gifts that make a big difference for us here.
Our band also played Christmas tunes, to the delight of the party guests. Overall, the party was a great success.
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Teen Party

We had our youth Christmas party on Friday night, and had a good turn-out. The theme was snowmen, so much of the food was white (like pelmeenid--little white dumplings with meat inside--, mashed potatoes, vanilla ice cream, etc.). Our youth room was decorated for the season by Evelin and Anneli.
We had fun playing games. In this game, you had to "deliver" a Christmas card to the mail box on the other side of the room by throwing it. It's a lot harder than it sounds: The best people could do in five tries was getting two in the box! Here, Evelin actually makes one in as Pia looks on.
Kristel makes her best try at delivering the mail while Priit and Vesse watch from the couch.
Even Peter took a try!
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In another game, it was boys against the girls unwraping a gift with five layers of wrapping paper while wearing mittens. Elis represented the girls, and Chris the boys; the girls won!
After all the games, it was time for cake, ice cream and gifts.
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Häid Jõule! (2. jõulpüha)

Eile oli väga hea päev. Me olime väga väsinud, ja päev oli väga pikk, aga see oli väga suur ja eriline päev. Vaatage siia, pildid tulevad!

Täna meie käime kinos vaadata HAPPY FEET. Meil on vaja päev olla koos perena!

Palun ütle mulle kui minu eesti keel ei ole õige. Aga ma püüan!

Häid Jõule!

neljapäev, detsember 21, 2006

Gabriel and refugees

Gabriel and Stacey return to the refugee camps and report for 14 consecutive days starting Dec 21, 2006.

(See Luke 1 and Matthew 2!)

while I waited for the banana bread to bake ...








Blue Christmas, again

I was interested to read here http://www.ottawa.anglican.ca/blue.shtml:
"We send out an 'Invitation' to the service to all immediate family members of those who have had funerals/memorial services in the church in the past two years"

For some reason, I thought that since this is the second Christmas after my mother died (and not the first!), that it would not be a problem for me. I was so relieved when March came around this year, and felt very much that the first year was the hardest. But that doesn't mean that there won't be hard things about other years!

A few nights ago, I just suddenly had tears streaming down my face. I was thinking about Sheridan Street and Aunt Joann and Uncle Reggie and Mama.

I know that even if I were right there in Portland, I would stil miss these people and places. They are just not there any more. (Well, technically, 89 and 100 Sheridan Street are there, but our family no longer lives there!)

One of the hardest things for me is not being with my family while they are mourning. Tim and the kids love me and try to help, but of course they can't really understand in the way that only Danny, Bobby, Reggie, Debbie, Mary-Kay, Andy, and Katherine can. We 8 are more like brothers and sisters than cousins, and we mourn our 3 parents together.

And now Elvis is singing "Blue Christmas" at the http://www.accuradio.com/holidays/ Old-Fashioned Christmas channel!

I'll have a Blue Christmas without you (Aunt Joann, Uncle Reggie, and Mama!)

12/21/2006 – 7 pm
Blue Christmas Service
Thornton Heights UMC, South Portland, ME
Casco Bay Cluster Clergy will be participating. All are welcome.

The following is excerpted from http://www.ottawa.anglican.ca/blue.shtml
Christmas time can be a very lonely, depressing, "blue" time for those grieving the loss of loved ones or other losses or for those who are all alone when others are partying and gathering with family members. A number of pastors concerned for those who find it difficult to "celebrate" at this time of year have developed various "Blue Christmas Services" to minister to these people.

Blue Christmas liturgy for individuals
Four candles are lit - any colour but if you want more symbolism --- royal blue is the colour of hope; white is the colour of wholeness; red is the colour of passion and Spirit; green is the colour of new life. All the same? Mixture? Other colours? Up to you. As each candle is lit (individually), hopefully in a darkened or semi-darkened room to get the effect of the light emanating from the candle - perhaps have some quiet music in the bg or silence but not the tv or loud music or at a time when children/family/friends could make demands on you.
Light first candle.
I light this candle to remember those persons who have been loved and lost. I pause to remember their name, their face, their voice. (give yourself time to do this)
I give thanks for the memory that binds them to me in this difficult season. (give yourself time to do this)
May Eternal Love surround them.
[Silent time for reflection]

Light second candle.
I light this second candle to redeem the pain of loss: the loss of relationships, the loss of jobs, the loss of health. (Give yourself time to think of each relationship/most current - whatever you are experiencing as 'loss' at this time of the year)
As I gather up the pain of the past, I offer it, asking that into my open hands the gift of peace, of shalom, of wholeness be placed. (give yourself time to do this)
May I be refreshed, restored and renewed
[Silent time for reflection]
Light third candle.I light this third candle to remember myself. I pause and remember the past weeks, months (years): the down times, the poignancy of memories, the grief, the sadness, the hurts, the pain of reflecting on my own mortality. (give yourself time to do this)
May I remember that dawn defeats darkness … remember the words written on a wall at Dachau prison --- “I believe in the sun even when it’s not shining; I believe in the stars even when I see them not; I believe in God even when I don’t see God.”
[Silent time of reflection]
Light fourth candle.I light this fourth candle to remember the gift of hope. I lean on the Holy One who shares my life, promises a place and time of no more pain and suffering and who loves unconditionally (give yourself time to do this - or substitute any phrasing that will be meaningful for you.) May I not forget the One who shows the way and Who goes with me into my tomorrows.
[Silent time of reflection]

Amen. So be it. Amen. (all "Amen" means is "So be it.")
Now, head off and do something for yourself - a long leisurely hot bath, a hot cup of tea/hot chocolate, half an hour in the darkness looking at the lit candles and listening to some gentle music --- and know that there are people who care.

kolmapäev, detsember 20, 2006

SA Tunes Christmas music!

It Came upon the Midnight Clear

Joy: to the World and in the SA


O Come, All Ye Faithful

O Holy Night

Happy Birthday, Jesus

translation (sorry I didn't do it before!)

minu õpetajalt
Tere!Olid väga tubli! Hinne on "A".Tunnid algavad veebruari teisel nädalal. Need on Esmaspäeval 14.00 – 16.15, Teisipäeval 10.00 – 11.30, Kolmapäeval 12.00 – 14.45 ja Neljapäeval 12.15 – 13.45
Häid jõule!

from my teacher
Hello! It wsa very good! Grade is "A". Classes will begin the second week of February. They are [these days and times].
Merry Christmas!

esmaspäev, detsember 18, 2006

batter my heart

John Donne


Batter my heart, three-person'd God ; for you
As yet but knock ; breathe, shine, and seek to mend ;
That I may rise, and stand, o'erthrow me, and bend
Your force, to break, blow, burn, and make me new.
I, like an usurp'd town, to another due,
Labour to admit you, but O, to no end.
Reason, your viceroy in me, me should defend,
But is captived, and proves weak or untrue.
Yet dearly I love you, and would be loved fain,
But am betroth'd unto your enemy ;
Divorce me, untie, or break that knot again,
Take me to you, imprison me, for I,
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free,
Nor ever chaste, except you ravish me.

minu õpetajalt

Olid väga tubli! Hinne on "A".
Tunnid algavad veebruari teisel nädalal. Need on Esmaspäeval 14.00 – 16.15, Teisipäeval 10.00 – 11.30, Kolmapäeval 12.00 – 14.45 ja Neljapäeval 12.15 – 13.45
Häid jõule!

kolmapäev, detsember 13, 2006



Speaking of tests, I have one in Estonian class this Monday morning (18 Dec.) at 9:00! Please, please, please pray for me!


esmaspäev, detsember 11, 2006


Thanks, Evie!



reede, detsember 08, 2006

sign up soon! space is filling fast!

Here are the registration form and poster for winter youth camp in January. Please note the date of when the registration is due.

Siin on jaanuarikuu noorte talvelaagri poster ja registreerimisleht. Palun pange tähele, mis kuupäevani saab registreeruda.

13-25 aastastele päästearmeelastele
3.-5. jaanuar 2007 REGISTREERIMISLEHT

Täisnimed: ....................................................................................
Aadress: ........................................................................................
Telefon: ........................................................
Vanus: ..................
Sünniaeg: ......................................................................

Haigekassakaardi nr (või isikukood): ............................................
Palun kirjutada kui on allergiaid, kroonilisi tervisehädasid või
regulaarselt võetavaid ravimeid: ....................................................

Kontaktisik: ....................................................................................
Telefon kodus: ................................................................................
Telefon tööl: ...................................................................................

Ma annan nõusoleku, et laagri juhatajad võivad õnnestusjuhtumi või
haigushoo korral osutada sellist meditsiinilist abi nagu vajalik, kui
minuga ei ole võimalik konsulteerida. Olen teadlik kohusest maksta
hilisemate vajalike väljaminekute eest.
Allkiri: __________________________________________________

Saan aru, et Päästearmee või selle laagri juhatajad ei vastuta vigastuste või kahjustuste eest ega ka isikliku vara kaotamise eest. Nõustun käituma laagri käitumisreeglite järgi.
Allkiri: __________________________________________________

Alla 18 aastaste osavõtjate lapsevanemale/hooldajale:
Olen lugenud seda registreerimislehte, saan aru ja nõustun kõigega, mis on kirjas. Kinnitan eespool olevat registreerimisinfot ja annan loa võtta osa kõikidest välistegevustest laagri ajal.
Allkiri: _________________________________________________

Märkus: Kõik allkirjad on kohustuslikud. Ühtegi registreerimislehte ilma nendeta vastu ei võeta.

Tasu: 150 kr./osaleja
Osalemistasu tuleb tasuda hiljemalt nädal enne laagri algust. Kui
seda ei tehta, võidakse laagrist välja arvata.
Kui tasumisega on probleeme, palun võta ühendust oma
Päästearmee korpuse ohvitseridega.
Registreerimine lõpeb: 22.12. 2006

13.-25. aastastele päästearmeelastele
3.-5. jaanuaril 2007

Laager toimub Loksal, Päästearmee laagrikeskuses.
Maksumus: 150 krooni

Registreerumine laagrisse kuni 22. detsembrini 2006

Küsi lisainfot ja registreerimislehte oma Päästearmee korpusest

Estonia in the news


You are the Sunshine of my life!


Thirty Years of Sunshine and Bells
We’re overjoyed when volunteers come back to serve each season. One special volunteer is Floyd “Sunshine” Libby. He has manned a Salvation Army kettle for some 30 years! His friendly disposition got him the ‘sunny’ nickname. He’s such a joy to be around! Floyd first met The Salvation Army in 1936, when he became a member of the church. “I enjoy meeting and chatting with the folks,” he says. “It’s a good feeling to raise funds for a charity that helps so many people in need.”

There were always four people sitting on the platform when I was growing up: the two corps officers, Col. Bamford (CSM), and Sunshine (CT)! When I was a kid, I didn't understand why he had such a nickname, because he always looked stern and scary to me! My mother used to say that he was old even when SHE was a kid! But of course, he actually has this huge smile that really lights up a room.

When I lived in Portland as an adult, I had wonderful times doing League of Mercy with Sunshine and my son Chris, who was then between 4 and 7 -- the perfect age to bring such joy to everyone we visited! Sunshine used to always gives his testimony (actually, I'm sure he still does!) that he got more of a blessing out of visiting the people than he gave them. He was the Corps Treasurer for many years, and used to start his prayers off the same way: "We thank you for the opportunity of giving of our tithes and offerings. We pray that you will bless it...." What a lesson that was to me -- the OPPORTUNITY of giving!

Although technically I was raised by a single mother, Sunshine certainly goes on the list of people who brought me up! Hm, maybe I'll work on actually compiling such a list!

Today I'd ask you to pray for Dana, his stepson. God knows his situation a lot better than I do at the moment: cancer, daughter, etc.


laupäev, detsember 02, 2006

Advent readings and activities

We read these verses every night (with the candle lit!) and hear the whole Christmas story eventually:
1 Matt. 1:18-23
2 Matt. 1:24-25; 2:1-4
3 Matt. 2:5-10
4 Matt. 2:11-16
5 Matt. 2:17-22
6 Matt. 2:23; Luke 1:5-9
7 Luke 1:10-15
8 Luke 1:16-21
9 Luke 1:22-27
10 Luke 1:28-33
11 Luke 1:34-39
12 Luke 1:40-45
13 Luke 1:46-51
14 Luke 1:52-57
15 Luke 1:58-63
16 Luke 1:64-69
17 Luke 1:70-75
18 Luke 1:76-80; 2:1
19 Luke 2:2-7
20 Luke 2:8-13
21 Luke 2:14-19
22 Luke 2:20-25
23 Luke 2:26-31
24 Luke 2:32-37
25 Luke 2:38-40; John 1:5,14,16

We print this list out, cut it into strips, and draw the papers from a bowl every morning:
wrap presents
choose the book we read before bed
shop with Mama
shop with Daddy
have lunch alone with Mama
have lunch alone with Daddy
take a family walk after dark
choose the family game after dinner
get help making a Christmas gift
watch “Electric Christmas”
watch “Jesus”
watch “Miracle on 34th Street”
watch “Angel Wings”
watch “Velveteen Rabbit”
attend "The Nutcracker"
make gingerbread houses/cookies
eat out
get two hours of play time with your parents
write letters to Santa
tape a large sheet of paper to the refrigerator door and draw
make no-bake cookies
have hot apple cider and popcorn
address Christmas cards
have guests over
hang stockings
