kolmapäev, veebruar 28, 2007

vote before the trip to England!

TALLINN, February 27 (Itar-Tass) -- Early voting has begun in Estonia prior to the March 4 parliamentary elections. The e-vote was announced on Monday, and 53,252 Estonians (about 6%) have cast their ballots.
Early voting is convenient for people who are unable to visit polling stations on the election day or live abroad.
This is the first time that Estonia is using the Internet for early voting. The Central Elections Commission said it is possible to re-vote by the Internet or at a polling station.

esmaspäev, veebruar 26, 2007

"Turned Up"

I have read that some Catholics have had a religious experience that included the scent of roses.

I think that in the SA, we have a bit of a different scent most times!


Jesus-in-the-distressing-disguise-of-the-poor "turned up" at our corps yesterday too, and had his coat stolen! This man was so patient in the face of this problem. His passport was even inside his coat pocket! We got him a coat from our shop, I'm afraid not quite as warm as the coat he had originally. I had to light a candle for the Home League ladies who were offended by his smell.

When you turned up your nose at my smell, you did it unto me. God help us.


vote on Sunday!



Everyone knows this is my favorite party.


Mari-Ann Kelam: "Parem süüdata üks küünal, kui kiruda pimedust!"


Teele's favorite party: http://www.ekd.ee/

Tanel's favorite party: http://www.keskerakond.ee/valimised/index.html

former mayor of Tartu: http://www.valitsus.ee/peaminister/

Liis's favorite party: http://www.reform.ee/

praying for soldiers during Lent

This week we pray for --
Monday: Elle Soom
Tuesday: Salme Kuuse
Wednesday: Magda Grigorjeva
Thursday: Leida Bauman
Friday: Eugenia Dils
Saturday: Viivi Jasper

Elle is the social worker at the corps. She is stuggling with a decision about if/when to retire, to help her daughter with her work (hotel) and family. She runs the Pensioners' Club every Wednesday afternoon. She helps make sure that people sit in the hall during Sunday morning meeting, not in the dining room in the back of the hall. She visits people in their homes and also, of course, sees people who come to the corps for assistance. Please pray for Elle today!

pühapäev, veebruar 25, 2007

Estonia and the Memory of the Soviet Union

The best article I've read on this subject.

Yesterday was Independence Day; today we celebrated at the corps in a BIG way.

Next Sunday is Election Day, and today I urged everyone to vote as their Christian duty. Many of us in the corps have our own favorite party (okay, mine's IRL!) -- but what matters is that we vote, not that we all agree.

As I talk and say things like "we Estonians" I mean it very strongly, though of course I'm just a foreigner, an American, an outsider. But in my heart, I feel a very strong reaction to this statue.

May God give us all peace and wisdom to work to make a better Estonia! Kõige eest! (For everyone!)


laupäev, veebruar 24, 2007

February 24: Independence Day


The Holy Season of Lent


reede, veebruar 23, 2007

tomorrow is Estonian Independence Day!

Click here!

24. veebruar, laupäev
Laulev revolutsioon.
Filmi juhatab sisse Mart Laar
12:00 tasuta


neljapäev, veebruar 22, 2007

The Salvation Army & Human Trafficking





pühapäev, veebruar 18, 2007

Today was a special Sunday at the Kopli Corps as we enrolled four new soldiers. Colonel Arja Laukkanen, Chief Secretary of the Finland and Estonia Territory, was on hand for the event. Here, you see the new soldiers charged to be faithful soldiers in their service to God. They are: Inge, Kristel, Priit and Tiit.

Below: Kristel, one of our new soldiers, showing off her new uniform.

Below: Tiit is another one of our new soldiers.

Below: Anneli and Arvo held the flags for the enrolment.
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The new soldiers raise their right hands to say that they accept the commitments made by signing the "Articles of War."
Inge recieves her "Articles of War."

The new soldiers display their Articles of War. They are (l to r): Inge, Kristel, Priit and Tiit.

Below: Colonel Arja Laukkanen, Chief Secretary of the Finland and Estonia Territory, presented each new soldier with a momento to remember the special occasion.
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The Home League singers sang a beautiful arrangement of "He Leadeth Me" during the meeting.

It was a special day for one of our long-time soldiers as well. Helge celebrated her 80th birthday the day before, and so we recognized her the traditional Estonian way: with flowers.

Helge shared her testimony of God's faithfulness through the years.

Below: Priit shows some of the flowers he was given to congratulate him on his special day.
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neljapäev, veebruar 08, 2007

Homme noorteklubi

Reede, 9 Veebruar 2007

7:00pm - 9:00pm
Hing Sees Ülistusteenistus
Saadetud: Anni Metstak
Doc.Inc. (EKNK Tallinna Koguduse vanemate noorte noortegrupp) koostöös EELK Rannamõisa Koguduse, Vabadus: Noorte Liikumise ja EKNK Tallinna Kogudusega kutsuvad Sind...
Noorte Ülistusteenistus -Hing Sees-
Eestimaa noor!!! Taas on aeg kokku tulla, puhastada oma südamed, otsida andestust, tõsta käed taeva poole ja kiita Jumalat. Meie Jumal otsib neid, kes ülistavad ja kummardavad Teda vaimus ja tões. Tule ja too oma kiitus koos teiste noortega Issanda, meie Looja ette, sest Ta on seda väärt.
Tuleb aeg, kui tõelised ülistajad ülistavad Isa tões ja vaimus. See aeg on nüüd käes. Ja need on ülistajad, keda Isa otsib, sest Jumal on vaim ja need, kes ülistavad Teda, peavad ülistama tões ja vaimus. Joh 4: 23 - 24
NOORTE ÜLISTUSTEENISTUS -HING SEES- toimub reedel 9. veebruaril kell 19:00 EKNK Toompea Keskuses Tallinnas (Toompea 3)

kolmapäev, veebruar 07, 2007

The Singing Revolution




