teisipäev, jaanuar 23, 2007

Kidnapping Update

I am happy to be able to report that Fabienne was released this morning. Lonnie came to school today very discouraged because the family had paid ransom last night and Fabi was still being held. Shortly after arriving, Lonnie got the news that the handover had taken place.

Thank you for your prayers.


Blogger jsi said...

What a nightmare, that though ended, will still acrry the mental implications and anger. Answers to prayer, tormented and painful prayer.
Your heart is deep and your love is wide for these hearts. Thank you for your ministry concerning them. Pray hard for them and the circumstances which brought this all about. Be Jesus with arms wide, heart full of love, strength to protect and knees ready for prayer.

You are a tender warrior

kolmapäev, jaanuar 24, 2007 3:36:00 AM  

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