"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)
kolmapäev, oktoober 08, 2008
proof that we were really in Helsinki last weekend!
L to R: back of Major Aino Muikku (Estonia Regional Commander), back of Tim, Captain Anya Henderson (Narva Corps Officer and Regional Youth & Candidates Officer), me, back of Cadet Aleskei Burunov (Narva Corps), side of Captain Daniel Henderson (Narva Corps Officer & Asst. to RC), back of Major Pirjo Mikkonen (Tartu Corps Officer), Captain Ave Kalme (Võru Corps Officer).
The point of the pic is to show me and some fellow officers at the Welcome to the Cadet & the new TC in Helsinki.
Are we only supposed to post photos of those who are lost and unsaved? What's the point of your profile pic? Two guys in SA uniform -- I would hope both are saved!
This wasn't my corp; this was a territorial event in Helsinki. At my corps in Tallinn, we have lots of lost and unsaved (unfortunately -- we pray they don't remain that way!), especially homeless alcoholics. But we don't usually post their pics (invasion of privacy).
wats the point of the pic? wheres the lost? wheres the unsaved?
The point of the pic is to show me and some fellow officers at the Welcome to the Cadet & the new TC in Helsinki.
Are we only supposed to post photos of those who are lost and unsaved? What's the point of your profile pic? Two guys in SA uniform -- I would hope both are saved!
This wasn't my corp; this was a territorial event in Helsinki. At my corps in Tallinn, we have lots of lost and unsaved (unfortunately -- we pray they don't remain that way!), especially homeless alcoholics. But we don't usually post their pics (invasion of privacy).
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