esmaspäev, aprill 14, 2008

"the most significant proof of the Holy Spirit"

"The most outrageous thing about the Azusa Street Revival, which occurred in Los Angeles in 1906, wasn't the speaking in tongues or claims of miracles. It was the fact that people of different races had come together to worship. Early Pentecostals claimed this multiracial unity as the most significant proof of the Holy Spirit among them."
p. 14
April 2008

Oh, how my heart yearns when I read these words!

We are struggling with how to incorporate our Russian-speaking friends (mostly, but not all, homeless men) into our corps. Should we have a separate Russian-language meeting (this is what all the other churches seem to do)? Should we continue with whisper translation, which has a lot of problems? Should we do Russian translation from the microphone, which would mean no English at all (only Estonian and Russian)?

I am sensitive to the fact that there is still a lot of pain associated with hearing Russian language, for some people. But if we are truly to be Christians, we must reach across those barriers, and let Jesus heal those deep-seated hurts.

Will you please pray that we will follow God's leading in this matter?

