reede, aprill 11, 2008



The Kingdom of God is at hand.----Meanwhile, holiness remains the solution to every problem. Let's keep that in mind. So, individually, test it. Get sanctified. And then see if the dictum doesn't prove itself in your experience. And then get other people sanctified, and see if it doesn't also work in their lives. And so on.----When we're talking holiness here, it might be necessary to clarify (for those who aren't regulars). We're not talking about being 'filled with the Spirit' and yet still 'sinning every day'. We're not talking about so regimenting and regulating our lives such that we are somehow, by discipline and concentration, able to avoid sinning for a time. We're not talking about legalistic obedience to the law. We're not talking about being relatively good Christians.----We're talking about repentance/consecration/faith that allows Holy Spirit to remove all that hinders - including habitual sins, demons, strongholds, footholds, strangleholds, and any other holds... but most importatntly, our natural inclination to act selfishly - and replace it all and us all with Himself, spilling love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control in and through us, and depositing in us a supernatural inclination to please God.----Remember the poor.----Commissioner Brengle used to say that he preached holiness and some people got saved and some people got sanctified.
