pühapäev, november 18, 2007

a quote that has comforted me

"It is generally accepted among cross-cultural trainers that individuals who adjust best in a new culture have the greatest difficulty re-entering their own."
Raising Resilient MKs
"The Re-Entry Task" by David C. Pollock

This helps explain why Chris and I are the ones who suffer the most when we come to America. It is amazing to me how much language has to do with this. It is certainly no coincidence that we are are also the ones who do best with Estonian language.

I've reached the point of being homesick for Estonia; we fly out one week from tomorrow and I really can't wait!

On the other hand, it's so hard to leave family not knowing when we'll see them again (2010?).

I just had a thought -- how does this idea translate for us as Christians? Individuals who "adjust best" to being on earth have the greatest difficuly entering heaving? Let's remember that we are strangers, aliens, sojourners!



Blogger jsi said...

Language truly wraps itself around acceptance and home.

esmaspäev, november 19, 2007 3:09:00 PM  

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