pühapäev, september 10, 2006

from Commissioner Moretz's newsletter

Commissioner Larry Moretz was here in Estonia 11 months ago for our 10-year-anniversary celebration. He is our "big boss" (territorial commander) in USA East. Every week he sends out a newsletter to all his officers. This is an excerpt from his most recent letter:

I began my prayer session by standing in the middle of the room looking upward to a very rugged cross which was suspended mid-air above this sacred place. I read aloud Psalm 91 from the hand written scroll on the wall.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust…”

I broke into song (good thing I was alone!) singing, “In Thee, Oh Lord, do I put my trust.”

My focus at that moment was my life, my ministry, my relationship with God and I declared again – “You are trustworthy, O my Father,
You are my refuge and my fortress
In whom I put my trust!”

Then came the wonderful promises that all of us can enjoy and count on because of this trustworthy Father –
…He will save
…He will cover
…You will find
…You will not fear
…You will only observe
…You will see the punishment of the wicked
…You will be guarded
…You will be protected
…You will tread
…You will trample
…You will be rescued
…You will be answered
…You will be delivered
…You will be satisfied
…You will know salvation

Then, I sang it in Spanish –

“El que habita al abrigo del Altísimo,
Morará, bajo la sombra del Omnipotente.
Diré yo a Jehová: Esperanza mía, y Castillo mío,
Mi Dios, en él confiaré.”

The rain continued to pound down and with each sound – like a thousand drums – I was hearing –
en él confiaré – in Him will I trust!

Who could not leave such a moment of encounter with God’s Word a changed and ready servant and as I walked out into the campground, I was confident again that I could trust and in trusting, obey.

The time then for submission and intercession broke into thanksgiving knowing that I could praise Him with my whole heart and trust Him to keep His promises.
