reede, juuli 28, 2006

excerpts from Phil Wall's book

I'll Fight
Holiness at War
by Phil Wall

Chapter 3
Battle for the Heart
Loving as a warrior should love

When Jesus said we should love God "with all our heart" it was an issue of unconditional ownership that was at stake. Uncompromising love for God and commitment to him is the only nesting place for the heart of a warrior.

All every warrior does must come out of a heart of deep love and devotion to Jesus Christ. Loving God may seem a very basic place to start, yet it is fundamental to the issues at stake. We are called to love God more than anything else in life.... This love relationship with Christ is the very cornerstone of who a warrior is; and it is that relationship which calls us to devotion, sacrifice and death itself for a lost world.

Haing a perspective upon what God has called you to will be very helpful in shaping relational decisions. In many senses it is a starting point for consideration. I often suggest to people who are focused on being totally God's man or woman, to set up a kind of qualification template into which someone must be able to fit if they are to be considered in the dating option. For example, a person needs to have a similar vision and commitment to God, have an ownership of commitment to the church/movement they are part of, have common values as to physical expression of intimacy outside of marriage, and share some of your similar values and ideals.

... they find it very difficult to discern the difference between the Holy Spirit and their hormones.
