laupäev, detsember 29, 2007

Responsive Scripture/Candle Lighting

Leader: When night comes to your world, what do you see? The darkness or the stars? Hopelessness or hopefulness? Sometimes, just as he did so long ago, God uses the darkness to reveal his stars—“The light shines in the darkness” (John 1:5). If your heart has been shadowed by the darkness of loneliness or grief or disappointment, look for the light that only he can give. “I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness but will have the light that gives life” (John 8:12).
Solo 1: Come, let us adore him.
Solo 2: Immanuel, God with us.
(Lighting of the four white candles.)
Solo 2: As we light the four candles, we are called to open our hearts to the miracle of Christ's coming and to his plan for our lives.
Solo 1: Give God your time. The wise men did. Before they gave God their
gifts, they gave their presence. It’s likely that these men traveled as long as two years before locating the prince of heaven. Before that one incredible moment when they knelt before Jesus, the wise men spent many moments, months, perhaps years searching, in anticipation of that meeting. Just as the wise men devoted themselves to seeking the Savior, so can you:
Solo 2: “You will seek him and find him when you seek him with all of your heart” (Deuteronomy 4:29).
