esmaspäev, august 20, 2007


We have begun our week of prayer at the corps and the shop has been transformed into a prayer room. The racks of clothes have been covered with sheets. Around the room we have scripture, a map of the world, prayer points and other things. On a table are Bibles, books, pencils and markers to draw with and other resources to enhance the prayer time. There is also a CD player with a variety of music for people to use during their prayer time. The first day was a great success with seven hour-long shifts covered. And those who took part were inspired to do more through the week. If you haven't already signed up for an hour (or more!), do it now and expect a blessing!

Our family took one shift. Since it was supper time, we brought food inspired by scripture: Bread, water, salt, milk, grapes, golden apples, eggs, honey. As we ate, we read the scripture that spoke of each food. We also spent time praying together.

For part of the time, Elizabeth read prayers to Peter from a book we have. He really enjoyed listening to them!
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Blogger Mary Ann Parks said...

awesome!! the prayer week can be and is such a life changing experience!


neljapäev, august 23, 2007 1:25:00 AM  

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