esmaspäev, august 07, 2006

another excerpt from Chris's blog!

Random fun on the streets!

it's really late, as in like 2 am late. or really early depending how you look at it. whatever. but anyway i have a little story to tell you about tonight that is really cool. it all started right before i WANTED to go to bed. i was just lying down when i thought the most commonly thought thing here in Battle School, "Where's Eddie?" as our youngest Battle Schooler and also as the only guy who's been picked up by the police for being out at night alone in the worst part of town we are always looking out for him, and he's always dissapearing. so just as i was about to lay down my head in my comfy soft bed i thought the thought and decided i needed to find out. Eddie had in fact been missing a large portion of the day, supposedly people knew where he was but i didn't and so being paranoid like i am i decided to check it out. he was supposed to be in the War Room from 8-11, it was now like 11:30. so i decided to go check and see if the little dude was there. and if he wasn't i was gonna run through the streets screaming until i did find him. and just as i walked out i saw our super cool B.S.S. (Battle School Seargent) Lisa coming from hanging out with some War College people and i asked her if she wished to join me on my mighty crusade to find "The Ed". she did. therefore we went to the empress hotel where the war room is (the war room is a 24/7 prayer room, just so ya know)

we knocked on the door. nothing happened. knocekd again. nothing happened. rapped on the door nice and loud. nothing happened. rapped as HARD and LOUD as i could. something happened. heard movement inside and Eddie answered the door bleary eyed and mumbling something about not falling asleep on his shift but really wanting to get home 'casue he was exuasted. so i took over the war room for the last bit of hist shift, until Lisa would be cool enough to come and relieve me. so i had a cool mini shift (normal shifts are 3 hours) and prayed, and put up a prayer request, and did sniper prayers for random people using the binoculars. and basicly had loads of fun. then Lisa came a knock, knock, knocking at my door and i let her in and, now free, bolted down 5 flights of stairs in a mad dash for my bed.

after jumping out of the door and running down the street i finally made it to the house and then the cool part came. i had just unlocked the gate and was just randomly looking down the street when i saw a guy. this guy was doing something between sitting and lying down, and apparently smashing his head against the sidewalk. well i could tell my friend here was not happy

i shut the gate and put the keys in my pocket. and i walked purposefully up to my friend on the sidewalk, kneeled down and said "Sir, are you okay?" his answer was rather incoherent and once he finally looked up at me i saw that almost everyone single one of his teeth was missing and he was either drunk out of his skull or just about sky high on something. so i repeated myself, "sir, are you okay?"
"where am i...?" he asked, looking genuinely confused.
"Vancouver, downtown eastside, on Main street"
"Man, i'm a long way from home..." came the slurred, but pained, response
"i know what you mean" I miss you Estonia...
he then went back to lying facedown on the ground so i said "want some help up?"
"sure, that'd be great"
i reached down and pulled him up and to my great surprise he did stand but answered my further inqueries into his health and whether or not i could help him in any way with long and loud "unnhnhhnhhhh"s which was pretty annoying, so i stood there for 5 minutes as he continued to stand and "unnnnhnhnhhh" and then bade him a very good night and went off to bed.

i am officially recruiting you all for war college here in the downtown eastside of Vancouver. what people call one of the crappiest places on earth i have learned to love. come. it's worthwhile. but anyway, i need to go to sleep before i pass out. 'night all!
