neljapäev, juuli 06, 2006

what Chris is doing

Fronts of the 614 War

RE:cre8 Cafe opens up to an alley near Hastings and Abbott. Open six mornings a week and each evening, it provides a safe, dry, friendly places to develop relationships. Operated nearly completely by 614 warriors, RE:cre8 as become a hub of community in the neighbourhood and a great drawing pool for cells.

RE:genr8 is our cell-based children's initiative, reaching kids in several neighbourhoods surrounding our district.

War Room
A 24 hours/day, seven days/week prayer meeting operating since February 2004. The War Room is located in a slum hotel room, overlooking the symbolic centre of desctruction in the neighbourhood. 614 cell-mates, War College students and brothers and sisters from outside churches join together in prayer for Yahweh to establish His presence in the downtown eastside, in Canada and across the globe.

The weekly prayer meeting of 614 Vancouver, held in a Salvation Army Emergency Shelter.

Warrior Academy
The Warrior Academy trains the next generation of warriors for battle. Children are given lessons each day in general education as well as Bible stories and Christian living.
